Q. Who can be hypnotized?
A: Anyone with reasonable intelligence can be hypnotized. The only requirement is their desire to be hypnotized. People who may not be able to be hypnotized are those with severe mental disability or children under the age of five as they cannot understand the words and follow the instructions. Most therapy sessions do not require more than a light trance state which everyone can easily achieve with a training.
Q. Am I sleeping?
A: Hypnotherapy usually begins with relaxation. It looks like you are sleeping only because you are deeply relaxed under hypnosis. In reality, you are in a state called hypersensitivity which all of your senses are enhanced including your sight, hearing, taste, smell, and emotions. Therefore, you are actually widely awake, paying attention to the words of the hypnotherapist while you are relaxing under hypnosis.
Q. Can I get stuck in hypnosis?
A: You can terminate hypnotic state any time you want. Hypnotic state actually is a normal state that everyone may have experienced in their daily lives. You can always return to full consciousness on your own or enter a natural sleep and awaken after just like taking a short pleasant nap. Hypnosis is never a way to kill or to commit suicide, nor would you get stuck in this state forever. I even had a client waken up in a deep trace state by himself just because he needed to use the bathroom!
Q. Will I tell you any deep . . .dark . . . secrets?
A. No unless you want to. Clients usually share the 'secrets' with the hypnotherapist because those are the issues they want to change or to be healed! In fact, there are no ways for hypnotherapists to steal by asking your bank account passwords when your subconscious is always there to protect you and you will immediately wake up from hypnosis too hearing such questions!
Q. Is hypnosis dangerous?
A: Would you consider sitting in a recliner and relaxing dangerous? Even when taking medication pills have side effects, hypnotherapy has no side effects other than changing or healing yourself positively.
Q. What is the difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy?
A: If you are reaching a hypnotic state of mind, you are only doing hypnosis. If your mind have reached the hypnotic state and received suggestions to change, you are doing hypnotherapy! Hypnotherapy is simply a therapy using hypnosis as a powerful tool to facilitate change.
Q. Are drugs used? Is it safe? Are there any unwanted side effects?
A: No drugs are used in hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy uses the natural power of your subconscious mind to relieve symptoms and alter unwanted behavior patterns. It is non-addictive and safe with no unwanted or unpleasant side effects.
Q. Will I be in control and aware of what is happening?
A: You are absolutely in control because you are neither unconscious nor sleeping. Instead, you are in an alternative state of consciousness, focusing on the hypnotherapist's words. You can hear everything that is being said. Nothing happens without your consent. If you hear something that you disagree with, you will awake immediately.
Q. Will I remember what happens during the sessions?
A: Yes, you will remember everything that you have done in your mind or the therapist had said during the session because you are fully conscious and focusing on the hypnotherapist's words.
Q. Is hypnosis suitable for children?
A: Yes, children can be hypnotized starting from the age around six, provided that they could understand what is being said. Children are usually more imaginative and open to suggestion, thus they can benefit from hypnotherapy too!
Q. Will the therapist have to touch me?
A: Sometimes hypnotherapist will touch you on the wrist, shoulder, or forehead to test whether you are properly relaxed or to assist you into a deeper state of hypnosis. The vast majority of therapists are ethical and they will ask for your permission first. Other than this form of contact, a therapist has no business touching you on the other parts of body.
Q. Isn’t it in some way anti-Christian or the work of the devil?
A: Hypnotherapy is merely a tool, using hypnosis to help people to recall upon their inner natural power of the subconscious power to facilitate change in order to solve their problems. In many respects the effect is similar to prayer or meditation. The Catholic Church as a proper procedure also accepted it in 1958.
Q. How many sessions will I need?
A: The number of sessions that you need depends on the severity of the problems, your reaction to the therapy and the outcome after the session. Some simple problems may require as little as two to three sessions while more deeply rooted problems may require more sessions.
Q. Are audio CD's as effective as individual sessions?
A: Audio CD can be effective but it is not individualized directly to your problem and interest as individual sessions. As a result, audio CD has a much lower success ratio comparing to live sessions where hypnotherapists can pinpoint your problems and facilitate changes effectively.
Q. Will I do anything against my will?
A: You hear everything that is said under hypnosis and are in complete control at all times. You will not be forced to do anything that you think is unacceptable or violate your values. You would either reject the suggestion or simple come out of the hypnosis.